Counsellors and Psychotherapists

Counsellors and Psychotherapists 2025-01-11T19:37:03+00:00
Brian GIllen
Brian GIllenMA Psychotherapy, Dip Supervision, H.Dip (Ed), Bacc Phil, BA (Hons) Soc., MIAHIP, SIAHIP, ICP.
Areas of Special Focus: General Counselling, Life Meaning, Relationship Difficulties, Personal Identity, Depression, Anxiety, Anger Management, Abuse, Work-Life Balance, Stress Resilience, Sex & Sexuality Issues, Self-Esteem, Bereavement, Loss, Trauma, Panic, Couples Therapy, Clinical Supervision

Main Approaches: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Integrative, Gestalt, Body Psychotherapy & Bioenergetics, Person-Centred Therapy, Existential Therapy.

 David Foot
David FootBA (Hons) Counselling & Psychotherapy MIACP
Areas of Special Focus: General Counselling, Relationship Difficulties, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Personal Identity, Depression, Anxiety, Abuse, Stress, Sex & Sexuality Issues, Self-Esteem, Loss & Bereavement, Trauma, Panic

Main Approaches: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Integrative, Gestalt, Body Psychotherapy, Person-Centred Therapy

Claire Devereux
Claire DevereuxMSc Counselling & Psychotherapy, Grad Dip Counselling & Psychotherapy, Postgrad Cert Gestalt, MIACP
Areas of Special Focus: General counselling, inner child/childhood trauma, depression and anxiety, psychosomatic conditions, bereavement and grief, spiritual experiences, personal development, stress management.

Main Approaches:Person-centred, Humanistic-Integrative, Psychodynamic, Psychosynthesis, Gestalt, IST (Inner Space Techniques), Body-centred

Linda Smith
Linda SmithMasters in Psychotherapy, Higher Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy, MIAHIP
Areas of Special Focus: Loss and Bereavement, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Self-Harm, Anger, Relationship Issues and General Counselling.

Main Approaches: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Integrative, Person Centred, Gestalt and Psychoanalytic.

Geraldine Mulpeter
Geraldine MulpeterMA Psychotherapy, Hdip Psychotherapy & Counselling, BA (Hons) Applied Social Studies & Social Care, MIAHIP
Areas of Special Focus: Relationships: Familial, Romantic, Platonic, Self. Loss. Complex Grief. Adoption Specific Issues. Complex Trauma.

Main Approaches: Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Integrative

Cian O’Connor
Cian O’ConnorMSc Counselling & Psychotherapy, Postgraduate Diploma Counselling & Psychotherapy, MIAHIP
Areas of Special Focus: Personal development, low self-worth and esteem, identity issues, relational, physical and emotional abuse, stress and anxiety, low mood/depression, bereavement/grief and loss, trauma, resilience, communication problems, lack of motivation, anger, transitions in life, bullying, self-care, chronic illness, co-dependency, isolation/loneliness, self-harm, suicide ideation, work issues.

Main Approaches: Person Centered, Humanistic, Integrative Psychotherapy, Gestalt and Attachment focus.

Gerald FitzGerald
Gerald FitzGeraldMSc in Counselling & Psychotherapy, BA (Hons)
Areas of Special Focus: Life transitions, Stress, Anxiety, Work/Life balance, Relationship difficulties, Anger, Depression, Grief, Loss & Bereavement, Self-compassion & Personal development, Ageing/illness, Life meaning & purpose, Spiritual awareness, Decision-making

Main Approaches: Person-centred, Humanistic, Integrative, Existential, Psychosynthesis

Conor Doyle
Conor DoyleMSc. in Counselling and Psychotherapy, BA (Hons) Psychology, MIAHIP, ICP.
Areas of Special Focus: Anxiety, Bereavement and loss, Depression, Emotional and relational difficulties, Family difficulties, Gender and Sexuality, LGBTQI, Mental health, Personal development, Self-esteem/self-confidence

Main Approaches: Person-centred, humanistic and integrative, counselling and psychotherapy.

Amy Kirwan
Amy KirwanBA Hons psychology, MA psychoanalytic psychotherapy, A.P.P.I.
Areas of Special Focus: Sex and Sexuality, LGBTQ+ and Identity, Anxiety, Depression, Phobia and Fear, Obsessive Compulsive Thought and Acts. Psychical Trauma, Lack of Motivation, Relationship Difficulties.

Main Approaches: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapeutic Approach

Justin Cullen
Justin CullenBSc (Hons) Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy, ASIST certification, MIACP
Areas of Special Focus: Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Low Mood/Depression, Anger/Passive aggression, Substance and Alcohol Abuse, Grief, Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour, Suicide Ideation, Domestic Violence/Issues, Personal Development.

Main Approaches: Integrative, Person Centered, Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Attachment, Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, Adlerian Therapy, Pluralism and Evidence Based Practice, Mindfulness and Self Compassion, Multiculturalism.

Rebecca Bourke
Rebecca BourkeBSc (Hons) Counselling and Psychotherapy, Post Grad Cert ADHD
Areas of Special Focus: General counselling, depression, anxiety, stress, ADHD informed counselling and counselling for adult ADHD related difficulties, neurodivergence informed counselling

Main Approaches: Integrative, Person-centred, Humanistic counselling

Peter Sheehan
Peter SheehanMA Counselling & Psychotherapy
Areas of Special Focus: Depression, anxiety, self-esteem issues, stress and burn-out, ADHD/ASD issues, addiction and compulsive behaviour, interpersonal difficulties, life meaning and purpose

Main Approaches: Person-centred, integrative, Internal Family Systems and trauma-informed therapy, CBT, psychoeducation

Kathie Connolly Bree
Kathie Connolly BreeMA Clinical Psychotherapy, LLM (Hons) International Human Rights Law, MA (Hons) Social Work, BA (Hons) in Soc., Pol., and Eng Lit, ASIST certification.
Areas of Special Focus: Anxiety, identity issues, trauma, stress, self-esteem and relationship discord, self-compassion, and personal development.

Main Approaches: Psychodynamic, person-centered, attachment-based, CBT, existential, and humanistic.

Sonia Fernandes
Sonia FernandesBA (Hons) Counselling and Psychotherapy
Areas of Special Focus: Trauma, addiction, anxiety, self-worth, stress, relationship issues

Main Approaches: Integrative, trauma-informed approach using humanistic, psychodynamic, body psychotherapy and CBT.

David McGrath
David McGrathMA Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy
Areas of Special Focus: Anxiety, Personal Identity, Personal Development, Life Meaning & Purpose, Life Transitions, Work Issues, Spiritual Awareness, Spiritual Experiences, Doubt & Uncertainty

Main Approaches: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapeutic Approach & Spiritual Coaching

Dr MG Lazarus
Dr MG LazarusMSW (Psychiatry), MA (Philosophy), MBA, PhD., CORU Regd. HSE Rtd.
Areas of Special Focus: General Counselling, Relationship Challenges, Couples Counselling, Grief and Bereavement, Psychosocial Stressors, Depression, Anxiety, Anger Management, Self-Esteem, Trauma Recovery.

Main Approaches: Warm and Person-Centred, Non-Directive, Solution-Focused, Guided Imagery (Silva), Transactional Analysis.

Karen Cohalan
Karen CohalanFCA, MBA, Msc (Hons) Counselling and Psychotherapy, Cert Psychosynthesis, Adv. Dip Executive Coaching, MIACP
Areas of Special Focus: Developmental Trauma; Grief; Anxiety; Self-confidence; Life meaning and purpose; Life Transitions; Relationships with self and others; Work challenges.

Main Approaches: Integrative, Person-Centred, Humanistic, Attachment, CBT, Psychosynthesis, Mindfulness & Self-Compassion, Body psychotherapy, Existential

Andrew Thorn
Andrew ThornBA (Hons) Counselling and Psychotherapy (Trainee). Dip Clinical Logotherapy. Cert in Mediation, Conflict Management, and Child Psychology. Cert in Psychology, Human Growth and Development.
Areas of Special Focus: Stress, anxiety, mood disorders, self-image/esteem issues, life meaning and purpose.

Main Approaches: Assimilative Integrative, Humanistic, CBT, Existential, Narrative, Individual Psychology, Transactional Analysis, Polyvagal.

Sandy Al-Mansour
Sandy Al-MansourMSc Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Masters (Trainee), LLM (Hons)
Areas of Special Focus: Anxiety, stress, burn-out, work/life balance, low mood, depression, personal identity & development

Main Approaches: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapeutic Approach