
Relationships 2023-02-05T14:35:17+00:00

During the course of every relationship many couples will experience a breakdown in communication or periods of anger, conflict or mistrust. This can lead to repeated arguments, feelings of resentment and loss of the couple’s trust, intimacy and sex life. When a couple both feel that they cannot ‘get past’ mutual hurts or disappointments, they may feel they need a third party to help. This may be just for a short time, in order to mediate and navigate their way through ‘stuck’ issues. But it may also take longer, where both sides commit to work through their differences, and try to reconnect with each other. This can provide an essential ‘realignment’ of the relationship and its boundaries, and the foundation for a deeper, more fulfilling long-term relationship together.

At LifeChange we can provide a safe and secure environment for individual relationship counselling, or for couples to discuss together their needs and learn techniques to help them resolve conflict. Whether your relationship has been long or short in length; whether you’re married, partnered or dating; or whether you’re just seeking to deepen your relationship; we will meet you at the stage and place you are at. We will work together with you towards common goals and a stronger and more fulfilling relationship with your loved one.

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