Life Stage Loss
As we travel through the various decades of our lives we encounter losses that are interrelated with the aging process. We rear children to leave home or to head off into their own lives. Naturally parents can experience a grieving process linked to this stage of launching children out of the nest. Others will experience loss at the birth of child who has disabilities. For some of us we will encounter an illness or chronic disease in ourselves or our loved ones that forces us to adapt. Many of us have to adapt to bodily changes such as the menopause or limits to our bodies as we grow older. Even the reality that we are not a fit as we once were originally. At LifeChange we identify the many ways in which people experience life stage loss over the course of our lives and discuss interventions most effective at each stage of life.
We approach life stage loss from a resilience and strength-building model, which acknowledges the potential of people to integrate loss into their lives.