Covid-19 Client Information

Covid-19 Client Information 2020-09-19T18:11:11+00:00

Important Covid-19 Information & Protocols for Clients Attending the LifeChange Practice

  • Please do not attend LifeChange if you:
    – have symptoms of Covid-19
    – are self-isolating
    – have been in close contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19
    – have returned from travel to a non-green list country in the past 14 days
    – have been diagnosed with Covid-19
    Please notify your therapist if any of these situations arise, and please also plan your safe and appropriate return to LifeChange with your therapist
  • In any of the above scenarios, you are still welcome to engage in online / video / telephonic therapy. Likewise, in the event that any further government lockdowns occurs, or where society is discouraged from travelling e.g. by public transport, we would advise all clients to agree online / video / telephonic therapy sessions with their therapists in order to provide continuity in the therapy process
  • Please arrive at LifeChange just in advance of your appointment, so you can enter your therapy room at your session time, without the need to wait inside the building. If you do arrive early, there is a small garden with seated area in front of the building where you can wait. In poor weather we have limited (socially distanced) waiting spaces inside the building
  • Please respect current government protocols regarding physical distancing, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette whilst visiting the LifeChange building. Please observe our corresponding signage on walls and floors
  • You are recommended to wear a face mask or visor while in the building, however it is not obligatory while in your therapy session
  • Please sanitise and wash your hands thoroughly upon entering LifeChange, and before entering your therapy room. There are hand sanitisers located on the ground floor inside the main front door and on the first floor. There is also water, anti-bacterial soap and disposable hand towels available in the first floor toilet. We recommend you do this again when leaving the building
  • Please catch coughs and sneezes in the tissues provided in your therapy room and dispose of in the bin. Please use your elbow where it is not possible to use tissues
  • Please maintain a 2-metre distance with your therapist and others in the building at all times. Your therapy room seating has been arranged to be socially distanced
  • Please note that all relevant surfaces in both your therapy room and common areas are cleaned and disinfected regularly